RIDING that roller coaster of life again ...... sometimes I would love to go back to being a teenager and have the troubles of a typical teenager, like; - my best friend isnt talking to me because I didn't sit with her at lunch, am in love (even though I have no idea what love is) with the boy in one of my classes yet I have never even spoken to him, I hang out with a group at school who think it is cool to smoke, drink and cut class then get an hours detention in the hall, write poems about death and believe I can make connections to the spirit world, am supressed, repressed and depressed about just about everything in life ... haaha OMG what a laugh those weren't really hard times at all when I think about it ... that was just a sharp corner on the roller coaster. Moving on into my 20's and having to start taking responsibility for myself, my money, my job actually my whole life my little roller started to go up .. then down .. then up.. then down and further down ... oh it was hard to control.... thats when I started to realise that my parents well they actually did know what they were talking about so maybe I should listen to what they say .. !!! ??? They gave me the rails I needed at a young age when I didn't even know they had, they always left that end decision up to me .. for example at aged 14yrs "do you want to give up competive swimming even though you have just swum in the North Island champs and done extremely well?" ... "yes" I said, mmm one decision for years I wish had not made and continued swimming as ma and pa would have liked. But by making my own decisions, they were letting me make real life decisions and thus learn from my mistakes well not mistakes, just sharp bumps on the ride. Now in my 30's and on the other side of the world, I have learnt to stand on my own two feet and fight for what I know is right or wrong and am pretty proud of everything I have achieved whilst here. I tend to stress out over things like I did when I was younger as there is always a way of sorting things out. And my parents are always there on the end of the phone if I ever need their very very very knowledgable advice. The roller coaster goes up .. then down .. glides along for a bit ... goes up .... and very really now does down - but I have learnt to put the brakes on that!