OH my what a hard week it's been. We arrived back on Monday from Majorca and then I started my job on Tuesday so my head was struggling to swim at the end of the week, I couldn't even manage getting to the gym as came home exhausted each night. Am so pleased though that I have changed jobs as am just loving it. Claire and Vicki have given me the Northern shops to look after which is fab as knew them all before when I was ticketing so have brilliant repore with them. I was on the phones this week and next week Claire and I will be doing the 2 days intermediate training and then Jonny and I will do 2 days advanced training, I will just be shadowing them this time and then they would like me to start taking the sessions. Am a little scared about that as never done any teaching before but am told it is pretty laid out in the manual with examples to put up etc. I stayed at Marks Friday and Saturday night, hadn't seen him in far too long so had a huge catch up and he had been at Helens wedding when it was his birthday so we called it his birthday weekend. I got his this retro little sheep that made him giggle... I put them on a little shelf when you walk down the stairs and told him he had to "baa baa" every time he walked past them. We just chilled out really the whole weekend watching movies, eating loads and he had me laughing heaps too as he always does. Saturday night we went for a few drinks at The Green in Islington which is our favourite cocktail bar and then had Turkish for dinner, on Sunday morning went to his local funky cafe for breakfast - they do fantastic coffee. The weekend with Mark was just what the doctor ordered hee hee (he is a doctor) after my huge holiday. Back to work tomorrow to start my shadowing of the training sessions eeek !!!
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